Well, painting is a BIG deal. The Heron painting got off to a slow start- waiting out a few days of turbulent weather, finding the right equipment and working with a diminished workforce- the Heron got primed and painted in three days after all. I chose to paint it white- a slightly off white/bone white-I wanted a neutral color that would also be inviting and not too hot to climb in the heat of the day. I also figure it can be accentuated with various colored lighting. The white added a surreal quality- also shadowing itself beautifully through the trussing. My amazing crew helped put it up today- one final time before it goes to the Playa. The build was still a seven hour ordeal- again facing the challenges of Christian's forklift, which makes this operation very delicate as we are lifting a 27' structure(in it's retracted position) with a mast that goes 19'-8". It's scary and it sure did not help to work around a massive hail storm including thunder and lightning! Now it is up...standing tall and looking regal, for a Taos debut, on August 16th, which I will impart more details about in a few days-but for now, the waxing moon and the Heron meet again.
She is beautiful!